tomei or jun cams?


Still waiting on some shims!
Fast Guy said:
RishiGTiR said:
I'd say for a GT28 to GT30 series turbos i would use the JUN kit...
What about a GTRS?

Now that turbo produces a plenty of power and spools up nice and quick all on its own... Its basically identical to the GT2871R...

Now this turbo pulls strong through 4k - 7k rpm where it tails off... With that in mind you would maybe be best looking at some 260deg/264deg cam with about 11mm lift... That would be ideal for that turbo...

Its more of a mid-range track car turbo...



Still waiting on some shims!
Should really add that each person should really make up their own mind about cams... There is no right or wrong cam for a particular turbo...

One person might be running a 2.2L with a GT30 but want it to be really torquey, quicker spooling, and from low down the rev range and only run the car @ 1.8bar to 7000rpm in which case 260deg, 11mm lift would be ideal...

The next person might have the same engine and turbo but want to rev it up to 9000rpm @ 2.2bar and make as much power as possible for maybe drag racing in which case some 270 or 280deg with 12.5mm lift would be better...

See it all depends what you want the car to do...

Some GT28 series turbos will like the 270/272deg cams... Others like the GTRS will be better with 260/264 with 10.8/11mm lift...

All just depends... :wink:



New Member
RishiGTiR said:
There is no right or wrong cam for a particular turbo...

going to competely disagree there :wink: and no i didn't copy this from a book :wink: :lol:

an engine is a pump, all it does is pump air, which through the combustion process produces power, with a turbo you are forcing far more air into the engine.

The air can only get into and out of the engine through the valves, no other way. The valve is obviously controlled by the cam, How effectively the air flows that is generated by the turbo into the engine is all effected by pipe run, intercooler restriction, inlet manifold design, ports and the valves. On the exhaust side its obviously valves, ports, manifold, then the turbine, before it all f*cks off out the exhaust :lol:

A small turbo with a very long duration, high lift cam would be a complete waste of time as the turbo will not be able to flow enough air at the point the valves would be fully open for it to be beneficial, you'd never create enough air with a small turbo that the engine would be capable of using.

example for simplicity sake: tiny-nob turbos ltd weener turbo : power range 3000-7000rpm, why have a cam setup that would efficiently allow air flow to 10000rpm ?

A big turbo with too short a duration and low lift cam will be physically prevented by the cam set up from flowing the air that the turbo would be able to provide. All you'd end up with is a hideous, laggy, nasty to drive mobile waste of money :wink: :lol:

example for simplicity sake : humdinger turbos inc : super todger turbo : power range 5000-9000rpm why have a cam set up that would only efficiently allow airflow to 7500rpm ?

On a small turbo you want it spooling at low revs, the small turbine wheel wont require loads of revs to get it going and if, for example, it was possible to rev the engine to say 9000rpm it would be miles out of its efficiency range

On a big turbo if you cant flow the air, you cant produce the exhaust gasses and you cant get the turbo spooling, so with the wrong cam set up you'd never be able to use anyhere near the airflow the turbo could provide, you'd would probably end up with a car slower than you had before :cry: :lol: :lol: :lol:

for making the best power possible its all about getting the cam set up spot on to the turbo you are using 8) theres obviously more to it as other factors effect the power an engine will produce but this has been a far to sensible reply from me and my head hurts :cry: :lol: ,

some of it might be worded badly :oops: but thats about the jist of it :wink:

p.s the fact carl is interested in the gtrs puts him right inline for the tiny-nob turbos ltd : weener turbo :lol:


Still waiting on some shims!
deisel weasel said:
RishiGTiR said:
There is no right or wrong cam for a particular turbo...

going to competely disagree there :wink: and no i didn't copy this from a book :wink: :lol:

an engine is a pump, all it does is pump air, which through the combustion process produces power, with a turbo you are forcing far more air into the engine.

The air can only get into and out of the engine through the valves, no other way. The valve is obviously controlled by the cam, How effectively the air flows that is generated by the turbo is all effected by pipe run, intercooler restriction, inlet manifold design, ports and the valves. On the exhaust side its obviously valves, ports, manifold, then the turbine, before it all f*cks off out the exhaust :lol:

A small turbo with a very long duration, high lift cam would be a complete waste of time as the turbo will not be able to flow enough air at the point the valves would be fully open for it to be beneficial, you'd never create enough air with a small turbo that the engine would be capable of using.

example for simplicity sake: tiny-nob turbos ltd weener turbo : power range 3000-7000rpm, why have a cam setup that would efficiently allow air flow to 10000rpm ?

A big turbo with too short a duration and low lift cam will be physically prevented by the cam set up from flowing the air that the turbo would be able to provide. All you'd end up with is a hideous, laggy, nasty to drive mobile waste of money :wink: :lol:

example for simplicity sake : humdinger turbos inc : super todger turbo : power range 5000-9000rpm why have a cam set up that would only efficiently allow airflow to 7500rpm ?

On a small turbo you want it spooling at low revs, the small turbine wheel wont require loads of revs to get it going and if, for example, it was possible to rev the engine to say 9000rpm it would be miles out of its efficiency range

On a big turbo if you cant flow the air, you cant produce the exhaust gasses and you cant get the turbo spooling, so with the wrong cam set up you'd never be able to use anyhere near the airflow the turbo could provide, you'd would probably end up with a car slower than you had before :cry: :lol: :lol: :lol:

for making the best power possible its all about getting the cam set up spot on to the turbo you are using 8) theres obviously more to it as other factors effect the power an engine will produce but this has been a far to sensible reply from me and my head hurts :cry: :lol: ,

some of it might be worded badly :oops: but thats about the jist of it :wink:

p.s the fact carl is interested in the gtrs puts him right inline for the tiny-nob turbos ltd : weener turbo :lol:

I knew that one line would come back to haunt me... :lol:

I actually sat there thinking wether that was the right way to write what i meant...

I was a little vauge with it...

What i meant was that there isn't a singe cam that is ideal for any given turbo... There are choices...

Yes there are wrong cams... But there are also a choice of different cams that will be right for your turbo depending on how you want to use it...

Look at my 2.2L, GT30 example...



New Member
RishiGTiR said:
Look at my 2.2L, GT30 example...
i have done :wink: its not that simple:

for example : if you had a gt30 with 1.06 exh housing that required revs to get it spooling it will perform better on the revver than it ever would on exactly the same size displacement engine that cant carry the revs :(, where as a gt30 with a smaller exh housing would be better for the lower rev limit as its going to spool quicker, which would give you a better track, road car 8)

But you're then not using the same turbo :wink:

You'd have the same turbo/comp wheels, but different housing to match the engines ability to rev, which is directly related to the choice of cams :wink:

what i'm trying to say is it isn't just a case of bolting on any old turbo and expecting the engine to work as efficiently, with the power band where you want it and making as much power as it should do :? everything has to be calculated and the combined parts have to work well together,

But like you say, it all depends on what you plan to use the car for 8) which is where it gets hard :( , deciding which set up is going to be best for the way you want to use the car. Its reasonably easy for a drag orientated car as you dont need to make any compromises (which is why most of the bigger power cars will be running pretty much the same cam setup) using lots of revs, lots of lift/duration, peaky powerband and no need to worry about idle or low down power/torque, but for track and fast road cars you're trying to get reasonable power and torque with quick spooling response and a nice wide power band, the choice of turbo and cam are directly related to achieving that aim


Still waiting on some shims!
deisel weasel said:
RishiGTiR said:
Look at my 2.2L, GT30 example...
i have done :wink: its not that simple:

for example : if you had a gt30 with 1.06 exh housing that required revs to get it spooling it will perform better on the revver than it ever would on exactly the same size displacement engine that cant carry the revs :(, where as a gt30 with a smaller exh housing would be better for the lower rev limit as its going to spool quicker, which would give you a better track, road car 8)

But you're then not using the same turbo :wink:

You'd have the same turbo/comp wheels, but different housing to match the engines ability to rev, which is directly related to the choice of cams :wink:

what i'm trying to say is it isn't just a case of bolting on any old turbo and expecting the engine to work as efficiently, with the power band where you want it and making as much power as it should do :? everything has to be calculated and the combined parts have to work well together,

But like you say, it all depends on what you plan to use the car for 8) which is where it gets hard :( , deciding which set up is going to be best for the way you want to use the car. Its reasonably easy for a drag orientated car as you dont need to make any compromises (which is why most of the bigger power cars will be running pretty much the same cam setup) using lots of revs, lots of lift/duration, peaky powerband and no need to worry about idle or low down power/torque, but for track and fast road cars you're trying to get reasonable power and torque with quick spooling response and a nice wide power band, the choice of turbo and cam are directly related to achieving that aim

I know exactly what you mean...

I did the same... Sat down and calculated it all... Then decided on the setup...

See i was just generalising about the GT30 example... Couldn't be bothered writing about different compressor wheels and housing sizes... :oops:

But yes for a quick spool i fully agree that the small turbine housing is necessary and for the higher reving more top end power and torque you need a larger turbine housing...

I generalised using the GT30 series turbos... Yes the actual spec for each of the fore mentioned setups would be different but still a GT30 Series Turbo... :lol: :wink:

i know what you say about not just bolting on any old bits... Although most seem to follow everyone else... Buy and fit bits just because everyone else does without knowing the effect...

Cams and Turbos must be calculated... All depending on what you want the car for...



New Member
RishiGTiR said:
i know what you say about not just bolting on any old bits... Although most seem to follow everyone else... Buy and fit bits just because everyone else does without knowing the effect...
exactly 8) which is probably why theres so many people that are unhappy that their car doesn't make the power
the website they brought their turbo from told them it would :(

still, its given us something to talk about this afternoon :lol:

p.s can someone say something i can take the p!ss out of now please :wink:


New Member
RishiGTiR said:
You might have better luck here - :lol:
nah..wont take you up on that offer thanks :wink:

i think i'll just stick around on here in the hope that someone asks what would be the best turbo/cam set up for a car running 1 bar on a bleed valve, on 17's and whether changing the gearbox oil after fitting an safc would have an effect on the chances of them beating every other car on the road when doing laps of their local town centre :wink: :lol: :lol:


Still waiting on some shims!
deisel weasel said:
RishiGTiR said:
You might have better luck here - :lol:
nah..wont take you up on that offer thanks :wink:

i think i'll just stick around on here in the hope that someone asks what would be the best turbo/cam set up for a car running 1 bar on a bleed valve, on 17's and whether changing the gearbox oil after fitting an safc would have an effect on the chances of them beating every other car on the road when doing laps of their local town centre :wink: :lol: :lol:

PMSL... :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

Can't wait!...


Fast Guy

Staff member
deisel weasel said:
p.s can someone say something i can take the p!ss out of now please :wink:

WIll I need a 6inch straight through exhaust for my big turbo, long duration cammed 246bhp engine? (and an FCD of course) :)


Still waiting on some shims!
Fast Guy said:
deisel weasel said:
p.s can someone say something i can take the p!ss out of now please :wink:

WIll I need a 6inch straight through exhaust for my big turbo, long duration cammed 246bhp engine? (and an FCD of course) :)

Yes you will.... So we all have something to point and laugh at... :lol: :lol:



New Member
Fast Guy said:
WIll I need a 6inch straight through exhaust for my big turbo, long duration cammed 246bhp engine? (and an FCD of course) :)

thought you were going for the tiny-nob turbos ltd : weener turbo aka the gtrs :wink: :lol: :lol:

i believe the fcd will prevent long duration cams working effectively as the 6 inch exhaust will allow the weener to spool so freely, that the fcd preventing the fuel cut you dont have will lead your motor to run lean helping the valves to get welded shut due to the heat created by the over revved weener :wink: :lol:

however if you use a big turbo on that set up, especially with the fcd i believe the combination of those parts would cause so much airflow your car will implode itself into the compressor housing :shock:

finally everythings back to normal again then 8) :lol: :lol:

Fast Guy

Staff member
deisel weasel said:
thought you were going for the tiny-nob turbos ltd : weener turbo aka the gtrs :wink: :lol: :lol:
It's not the size of the cannon that counts, it's the force of the shot :roll: :wink:


hi, thanks all for the infos.
i will post a detailed describtion of my engine spec, and my car is basically a road car, but i still want good top end power.
ported head
arias forged pistons
crower rods
jun flywheel
custom turbo manifold
3 inches exhaust
turbonetics turbo t3\t4 hybrid, .63 turbine TO4E compressor housing
700cc injectors
z32 maf
chipped ecu
evo 8 front mounted intercooler
cone filter
bosch motorsport fuel pump
msd blaster ss coil and more....
here is what my engine spec is and would be....
i contacted jus and they suggested me the 272 11mm lift cams for fast road use.
piper suggested me theyr new profile with 11,5 mm lift and 280 duration....
what do you think?


New Member
str_motorsport said:
i contacted jus and they suggested me the 272 11mm lift cams for fast road use.
piper suggested me theyr new profile with 11,5 mm lift and 280 duration....
what do you think?
price would be the decider for me, the pipers come in at nearly £450 :shock: and thats without pulleys :cry:

Not sure if italian import laws are the same but you could get the jun cams and pulleys for less than that :wink: and they do the same spec, 280, 11.5lift

another option you could look into would be the jwt s3 cams, have a hunt round sr20forum for info on them, they seem to work well, and with less duration (263) but same lift (11.5) would be better suited to a road car as you wouldn't have such a nasty idle 8) but wont ultimately give you as much topend :?


in fact piper and kent cams are way too expensive comapred to the jap stuff from japan...
even importing from japan, with duties added they will be cheaper...
i think i will get the jun 272 ones....they should work fine.
thanks all!


Still waiting on some shims!
Whats the actual spec of your turbo... You've just given us the compressor type and housing size... :?

Need the actual wheel sizes and trim...


Dooie Pop Pop

New Member
please excuse my type err' s im a little pished, im runnung a gt 3071r wg with a .64 exhaust housing, a 1.2mm hg and im hitting 1.4 bar at 3500...whats holding you lot up ???????