
Pete Watson

New Member
Which is the best one to get, i already have a Cat1 G4, however i think it is time to add something else for security.

Cheers Pete


New Member
Am I right in thinking this isn't really a visible detterent? You're likely to get youre car back but who knows in what condition? Plus I'm not sure if I'd want a stolen and recovered vehicle back? Doesn't it have to be put on Q plates etc? And the car will be pretty much worthless?


New Member
It was just a question, I suppose thinking about it you can get onto RAC and let them know its been stolen but what if you dont find out say if youre out?


Active Member
Gray said:
It was just a question, I suppose thinking about it you can get onto RAC and let them know its been stolen but what if you dont find out say if youre out?

You would probably get to car back a lttle later i suppose. :wink: :wink: :D :D :lol:


supose it depends on what you've spent on the car and how much you're likely to get back through insurance. If you've spent over £10k on it (for example) you'll never get it back from insurance, so be better off getting the car back and fixing what needs fixing.



Staff member
He didn't ask "should I buy a tracker", what do you guys think !!

He asked about a tracker and which is the best. Trackers are not a visable deterant, they are there to track your vehicle should it be moved without your concent, they'd be completely fo oking useless if the thief knew where the gadget was !!

If your not sure you'd want it back once it was stolen, don't buy a tracker !!

Why on earth should it be limited to just Q plates ??? It can be fitted to any vehicle, it recomended by most of the leading car manufacturers and can be fitted by a dealer or an RAC fitter comes to your house and fits it.

Becuase they (and most of them do) use GPS to track the vehicle they can also act as speed camera warning system.

Believe me this is about as good as trackers get.


the rac track star comes standard on all new subaru's these days
also helps the old insurace problem


The original "TRACKER" retrieve, monitor and horizon are the best ones to buy. They are the only device which all 52 of the uk's police forces carry the equipment to trace. With all other devices, the information must be relayed between the tracking company and the police. Not ideal if you want your car back before its torched.

Pete Watson

New Member
What i am looking for is a system that monitors the car for late night starting etc and also gives me the option of calling the operator if i am going away and leaving the car at home, i guess all the Tracker companies call the owner if something has happened.


you cant get insured on a beemer M series without a tracker...
worth it me thinks. if you got a sticker on it saying you got a tracker it gives em something to think about. caught red handed or what :idea:

Pete Watson

New Member
Thanks for the Link DOT2DOT!!

This is the sort of thing i had in mind, when you think about it, it is the way to protect your car, alarms are great but who takes notice of them. I know Trackers are quite expensive but you try getting the money you have spent on your car back from your Insurance Company. Of course you can opt for Agreed Value Insurance, but at what price!!

Rgs Pete


Staff member
the chief said:
you shouldnt put a tracker sticker on, coz if the thiefs know its there, they will ripp it out.
That's not true, the thief is not going to want to spend time looking for the tracker unit, it could be absolutely anywhere, the pro would want to be in and out, job done. The sticker would deter the opertunist thief and make him think twice.


i think you can find out your cars location online with a username and password you get assigned by the company i think!