


stevepudney said:
the chief said:
you shouldnt put a tracker sticker on, coz if the thiefs know its there, they will ripp it out.
That's not true, the thief is not going to want to spend time looking for the tracker unit, it could be absolutely anywhere, the pro would want to be in and out, job done. The sticker would deter the opertunist thief and make him think twice.
Personally i'd like to see the scumbag in cuffs! Tracker reccomend that you do not advertise the fact that you have one. Quite a few of the cars recovered will be recovered C/W theiving scum inside! The handy thing is police can mount a surprise raid, since they know where the car is. Quite a few recoveries that have been made, have revealed "ringing" workshops and have put the main scumbags behind them in jail. We get tracker reports sent to us about recoveries using trackers fitted by us. Most of the theft is from house break-ins or gunpoint hi-jackings.

geoff pine

Well-Known Member
have had a tracker fitted to a car some years ago found were thay had installed it in two minutes small little black box whould take seconds to remove . theres a range issues and the signal is easy to mask advertiseing you have one dosent seam the way to go its like all thing thay will fined away round it i had mine fitted in scotland by a main dealer. these guys are lazy if its not done properly then your stuffed there are other thing i could say but that would make it to easy for them thay probably know anyway so advertiseing is not going to put them of . look at how meny gtir with cat ones have been stolen in the last few months .


Yes ive seen some half-assed attempts at hiding them before. Just takes you to make sure the fitter has put it in a good place. And if you do have one, get it tested every once in a while to make sure the backup battery is ok etc.