weight loss ideas


New Member
Before u ask yes ive done a search and ive removed all the things i can think of. Just wondering if anyone could give me a few more ideas or things to get some more weight off? Im sure there must be other little things that people have come across that are good thing to remove. :?:


Would be a good idea if you told us what parts you've already removed.


New Member
air con
rear seats
sun roof motor
rear wiper and motor
floor soundproofing
various brackets
spare wheel
parcell shelf
rear speakers
rear exhaust heat sheild
coil mount
rear mats
rear seat belts
brake air ducts


New Member
perspex windows 8)

00sid had his weighed yesterday and said the front was nearly twice as heavy as the rear :(


when i had mine cornerweighted 67% of the front weight was over the front half of the car :shock:

so removing weight from the rear is probably a bad idea :wink: as it will only unsettle the car :cry:


New Member
nismoboy said:
sounds good. how much are they? can u still use the electric windows or are they stuck in?
they will scratch, have to get the sliders in them


like edd says though, you're better off losing it off the front, then shoving it further back to get better weight distribution, unless your going for 1/4 miles


for 1/4 mile just strip out everything, for a track racer, get the car cornerweighted if you have coilovers as by setting them all the same height isn't the right way to do it as you won't have 50/50 weight dsitribution.
Also as Queeron says, ditch as much weight from the front as possible and move it further back, you may lose more time in a striaght line but will gain time going round corners :wink:

Fast Guy

Staff member
Change the front seats for light (3-4kg) race items.
Depending what exhaust you have, the mongoose saved 13kg over the standard item due to its lack of back box (just a tail pipe)
Get a titanium exhaust made up or shorten the current one with a side exit.
Fit lightweight wheels (5kgish)
Fit lighter tyres (noone ever weighs them :? )
Fit a lightweight flywheel (5kgish)
My Tein coilovers weighed 1kg less (each) than the standard items.
Carbon Kevlar bonnet saved me 10kg
Put less fuel in the tank :p
Fit a lighter steering wheel.

I've saved about 30kg by changing most of the above and not removing anything, in fact I've added weight with the 3 strut braces I've put on. My car weighs about 1195 at the moment with the full interior and air con.
I can easy loose another 50kg without trying :)


Active Member
kieron said:
perspex windows 8)

00sid had his weighed yesterday and said the front was nearly twice as heavy as the rear :(
Thats why I left my rear wiper and motor in and got some nice chunky guards up the back. Losing weight can still lose you performance thru handling if the weight starts to shift forwards. I for one think a slightly heavier car with better weight distribution is better than a light car with all the weight at the back.

Then there's polar inertia which I need to start a discussion on to try new theories :lol:


Staff member
Nad said:
Thats why I left my rear wiper and motor in and got some nice chunky guards up the back. Losing weight can still lose you performance thru handling if the weight starts to shift forwards. I for one think a slightly heavier car with better weight distribution is better than a light car with all the weight at the back.

Then there's polar inertia which I need to start a discussion on to try new theories :lol:
Is that meant to read weight removal from the back?

In setting up a car IMO it doesn't matter too much where the weight starts as long as you setup the suspension accordingly. Given an optimised setup (ride height, dampers, spring rates, tyre perssures) then I'd lower weight is a better starting point always. BUT i'd also say its harder to setup a car with uneven weight distribution.

I've posted before on the advantages/disadvantages of different weight distributions.

When you're discussing polar inertia can we bring in roll centres as well.
Its all possibly a bit too detailed but its good to have a high brow chat rather than just lower/stiffer.



Active Member
campbellju said:
Nad said:
Thats why I left my rear wiper and motor in and got some nice chunky guards up the back. Losing weight can still lose you performance thru handling if the weight starts to shift forwards. I for one think a slightly heavier car with better weight distribution is better than a light car with all the weight at the back.

Then there's polar inertia which I need to start a discussion on to try new theories :lol:
Is that meant to read weight removal from the back?

In setting up a car IMO it doesn't matter too much where the weight starts as long as you setup the suspension accordingly. Given an optimised setup (ride height, dampers, spring rates, tyre perssures) then I'd lower weight is a better starting point always. BUT i'd also say its harder to setup a car with uneven weight distribution.

I've posted before on the advantages/disadvantages of different weight distributions.

When you're discussing polar inertia can we bring in roll centres as well.
Its all possibly a bit too detailed but its good to have a high brow chat rather than just lower/stiffer.

It was actually meant to say all the weight at the front, whoops. And yes my point was being its harder to set up a car and get it to handle nicely with a massive weight bias one way. My basis has always been rallying and with wieght limits I would add weight where it would benifit the handling off the car.


P.S. Anyway off to the other topic we go....

Fast Guy

Staff member
Here's another way to lose abit of weight from the front end.

1.kg pre preg. Wish there was a gtir one :cry:


New Member
stokie1 said:
dry cell battery apparently saves u 12.7 kg
these are crap as they dont hold charge for more than 3-4 days, and as mines a weekend car the battery is flat everytime i go to use it :evil: