What do ppl think of this Pulsar?



hi there pics arnt that good i would ask for better pics and does it come with recipts for all the work that has been done ive always took my R to ian at hiteq so yes he is good at what he does plus you could always phone hiteq and ask him about the car :-D :-D


New Member
I would check to see when the work was carried out as well!!

Because if it was a good few years ago, it could be on the way out!

mad max

That is a lot of car for the money ,as pete said pics are rubbish ,he brags how fast it is ,but nothing about the power output ?


That is a nice spec list I must admit.

Agree about the pic's though. See if you can get some clearer more detailed ones.

I would ask about the respray. If it was me I'd want to know if it was due to an accident, or if it was done due to rust.

Hope the viewing goes well.


Fire & skill

Vintage member
if the car is so special and he has spent so much money on it getting to that spec then why the ****:-

1, cant he afford a decent camera
2, try to sell a car with shit pictures
3, cant even get their orientation right

as they say a picture speaks a thousand words - if he cant be arsed doing a decent pic then i'd say that speaks volumes for the car as well


Active Member
Fire & skill said:
if the car is so special and he has spent so much money on it getting to that spec then why the ****:-

1, cant he afford a decent camera
2, try to sell a car with shit pictures
3, cant even get their orientation right

as they say a picture speaks a thousand words - if he cant be arsed doing a decent pic then i'd say that speaks volumes for the car as well
great post mr Fire & Skill I can never understand why people try and sell the car without photo's or shit pictures..

davey red.r

New Member
Fire & skill said:
if the car is so special and he has spent so much money on it getting to that spec then why the ****:-

1, cant he afford a decent camera
2, try to sell a car with shit pictures
3, cant even get their orientation right

as they say a picture speaks a thousand words - if he cant be arsed doing a decent pic then i'd say that speaks volumes for the car as well
but the spec alone should sell the car,
defo check when work was carried out
just missing a good box
165mph:lol: :lol: :lol:


the chief

dont agree. i dont have a digital camera and i wouldnt buy one just to sell a car. plus he says he doesnt have a computer, so i guessing he aint to good on one.(hence the pictures)

Fire & skill

Vintage member
the chief said:
dont agree. i dont have a digital camera and i wouldnt buy one just to sell a car. plus he says he doesnt have a computer, so i guessing he aint to good on one.(hence the pictures)
so you have NO pictures of your 'pride and joy'?


New Member
billyboy said:
cheers for the comments guys, this may sound stupid but with a hiteq rebuilt engine does mileage matter?
Yes of course it does!

Just think if the engine had been built 100 miles ago then it's fresh, but if had been rebuilt 100,000 miles ago then it probably won't last much longer! :lol: