What tyres would you choose?


Active Member
sunny scott said:
I have used uniroyal rainsports for years on my 'R'. only downside is they have a soft sidewall so can totally scrub a set after a few laps but excellent for everyday use and in the wet. don't think you'll be doing much racing with 18's though as you're handling will be crap anyway so the uniroyals would be a good choice if they do them in the size you want.
Totaly agree with the 18ins comment, question is why fit them in the first place.
Apart form the looks and the fact you could fit HUGE brakes they will not work on a Pulsar. Best all round size for tyres, brakes, handling etc is 16ins.
Best of luck anyway.


Isnt this the guy whos building the wide arch R.??? Cant really blame him for wanting to fill those arches with 18s really and i doubt the car will see much track action anyway seeing as its got a fancy candy paint job and a heavily modded body ;-)

18s aint that bad as far as handling goes really. Yes 16s or 15s would be better but everyone makes out like the car will be undrivable on 18's or summar :roll: :roll: Daz runs 18's and his car handles plenty well enough!!!! 8)

Anyway, Same old ground being covered again here. Wasnt the question about tyres rather that whether or not 18s will f**K the handling up or not?!?!?!?! Toyo's or Goodyear F1's mate :thumbsup:



Staff member
Ant uses fuldars - or i think thats how you spell it. they seem to be decent in the wet & the dry & arnt too exspensive!


Justin, your right.

the reason i want to fit 18's is to try and fill the arches!!
i wont take it on a track as i'm one of those people who has no fear when ive got a wheel in my hands and pedals at my feet.

right now i'm buildin the car for its cosmetic looks, ok i know some of u dont rate what ive done but what i'm doing is individual. it would be a boring world if we all modded our cars the same way!

think i'm gonna end up goin for the p-zeros as i can get them for 430 for 4 (buy 3 get 4th free) but will look at tyres when i get back from the middle east in 3 weeks


michael said:
Justin, your right.

the reason i want to fit 18's is to try and fill the arches!!

right now i'm buildin the car for its cosmetic looks, ok i know some of u dont rate what ive done but what i'm doing is individual. it would be a boring world if we all modded our cars the same way!
have a look here it will suit you down to the ground:lol: :lol:



kirko said:
have a look here it will suit you down to the ground:lol: :lol:


was expecting that kind of answer from the narrow minded folk of this site....

dont do that......thats not what we would do........we fear things that are different!

its my car, i've paid good money for it, and will continue to pay good money for the mods THAT I LIKE. i do it to please me.........not anyone else......

if i want to put 18's on my car, then i shall do so......perhaps i dont want to race everywhere, perhaps i dont need the handling to be as pinsharp as it would be on 16's........perhaps i dont like the ****ing look of 16's......
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Dooie Pop Pop

New Member

another member bites the dust:cry:

do you have Darrens old shell? i think i posted in your members thread on the modifiers:? he had 18s with spacers on his widearch iirc and tbh they looked pretty cool. having huge wheels will put an extra strain on your transmission though fella so if you' ve got an iffy box........:-D


no bud, not got his old shell, altho i seen the one your on about in various posts while i was searching for the wide arches.

i'm trying not to go down the road of spacers, what ive done is ordered the wheels from compo in 2 different offsets.

ET38 on the front and ET23 on the rear. i wanted ET20 but compo couldnt do them, so closest was ET23. this will bring each wheel out an additonal 28mm, with 3mm extra clearance at the strut. i may need to think about a 3 or a 5mm spacer but thats about it.

at the moment i do have a slightly iffy box, but if i learn to make my right foot a tad lighter then it may last.
the car itself is not an everyday car. i've got a pickup to run about in (and tow it places) when i'm actually in the UK but this year looks like its gonna be mostly spent in the middle east which should allow me to buy a dog box :D