Engine out


Active Member
i`ve been having similar fun putting on my rb box.

Then bleeding the brakes i knocked the collection bottle full of brake fluid all over my caliper.
Luckily it didn`t get the pads though


New Member
Well after today i will just leave it to the guy i was helping,

I have chronic Discitis and i can hardly move now, but it was good to see the bloo@y thing out, Knowing my luck thou it is just the oil pump @ucked and nothing else lol

Dangerous Dave

Active Member
I wish i had someone to help me! then again i seem to get things done when am on my own,

Sorry to hear about your back mate it cant be comfy.


New Member
wanted to get the plenum powder coated, so just in case we did not get the engine out in the four hours we put aside i could at least take this to be done


New Member
Just sounded like you made extra work for yourself its hard to hard work getting them off in situ.

Hope it all goes smooth for you.


New Member
Painted fuel rails How have people done theres

taking the top part of the plenium to be done Corn Blue in Powder coat, same as the rocker cover, can the fuel rail be powder coated too!!!
looking at pictures it looks like peolpe have just sprayed theres.

Also now the manifold is off going to heat wrap it anyone got any pics of a standard mani done


New Member
done my fuel rail with tin mate. As long as you get it in the air so you can spin it whilst painting as there are so many little corners to get into. just my opinion many other ways too i suppose


New Member
well another half day and i have the engine clear of the shi@@er now!

took the head off and it looks like its been starved of oil, and also has a really cooked popcorn smell, some of the cams journals are also marked but still look of to use,

managed to strip it all apart from the gearbox as it was lying on the floor,managed to get all the bolts out, but for some reason would not come off, and with my Chronic Lower Discitis i left the thing, pleading with my friend to shoot me.

Fortunately got to the doctors today and got some tramadol
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New Member
Can you actually wrap the standard manifold then?
I always thought there's no point really as it has the heat guard covering it!