Racing the Pulsar


Active Member
seen you at croft jon, got a few vids on my phone of clervaux & hawthorn was my first time at any circuit was bloody freezing , good to see a couple of pulsars tearing up the track ,im looking to get involved in these events in the coming yrs, iv got a lot to learn, might see ya at jack frost stages,


Active Member
Seems to have been ages since i updated things. I finally got the engine rebuilt and got the car out just 3 days after it was mapped. Did 2 Sprints at Pembrey got a second on Saturday but wished it rained earlyer as I was 4 seconds quicker than the rest in the wet. On Sunday was again quicker in the wet in the morning but did not push hard enough on the first timed run and was second. Had one run left give it all then blew a pipe off the BOV just 300m from the start,,,,dam it ended 3rd. One good thing was the car was timmed as the quickest in the class down the strait so the signs are good.
The reason is to far gone to get any where in the championships plus cash is a bit low after the rebuild..( where does the money go?).
Will do a few ore events to make sure its all runing fine then do a few other mods over the winter so I can run 1.8 bar boost. Will do Llandow next month so that should be a good measure of its performance
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great news phil im pleased its all working out for you mate!
1.8 bar though....very naughty lol, expect probs if running that boost level on the track thats wheen things start to go belly up:lol: ive learnt the hard way that the power bug is not all as it seems but you may be ok in short sprint type events hopefully.
best of luck with remainder of the season fella:thumbsup:


Active Member
Longest run we ever do is only just over 90 seconds and the shortest around 30... so hopefully it should hold ok,,,I run 3 stages of boost so would only use the highest if needed. Its running 1.5 at the moment with no problems.

Jon Olds

Well-Known Member
It was the head gasket. Boroscoped the inside and the fire ring was broached.
An MLS type is in now. Needs a good 'run out'


Active Member
Good luck Phil:)
1.8 Bar!
I am stuck with 1.1 bar and 270 hp and its just not enough! I did beat a 390 and 400hp evos but in two weeks time there is going to be a 550,500, 400hp and so on evos so its not looking good! i am fine until the straights and the big hp cars are off!!
Will try my best ;-)
Keep up the good work Phil.


Active Member
Thats the reason for the bigger power cant compete with 400+bhp evo's etc on any power course or hill.....but know I have a chance..
Might be able to get to the times of my 200bhp Mini !!!
PS Will only go to 1.8 if I need to, but some one has said that a 3071 only really comes on song around 1.6..


Active Member
I am off to Shelsley in 2 weeks for the last run of the year, I have swapped back to my older Goodyear F1's as they are better than the new version in the dry. I have a class full of TVR,s and a scooby and Porker so sould be fun. Hope it rains..that will sort out the TVR's lol

Hope to god they will let us run 1B tyres for next year and I should then be able to get some grip. If not been thinking of going up to fully modified so I can run Slicks. I could also lighten the car a lot more and have a front splitter/spoiler to compliment the rear. Flat bonnet, perpex windows etc etc...will give it some serious thought over the winter.



Active Member
In a sick way phil I hope you do move up.

In the classes round here it appears that they have far less leway for mods than the club your in do.

I'd love to see and hopefully pinch all the improvements you do to yours, especially the idea of a front splitter.

Looking forward to seeing the developments,




Active Member
I am off to Shelsley in 2 weeks for the last run of the year, I have swapped back to my older Goodyear F1's as they are better than the new version in the dry. I have a class full of TVR,s and a scooby and Porker so sould be fun. Hope it rains..that will sort out the TVR's lol

Hope to god they will let us run 1B tyres for next year and I should then be able to get some grip. If not been thinking of going up to fully modified so I can run Slicks. I could also lighten the car a lot more and have a front splitter/spoiler to compliment the rear. Flat bonnet, perpex windows etc etc...will give it some serious thought over the winter.

Good luck for Shelsley Phil, 2 weeks time is also my last race too!
I will have to be in Modified next year for sure so get making these (front splitter/spoiler to compliment the rear):thumbsup:
I also need a kill switch out side of the car, a 4 point harness is fine if you have MOT and insurance for modified.
I hope to lighten the car over the winter as this cage is about 50kg.
Keep us up to date Phil.


Active Member
I am not 100% sure of the new regs yet so will ask around at Shesley...Mod Productions did not have to be road registered so might take mine off the road. We will see.
I also have one deffuser left if you know of anybody who wants one. Will only make them to order in future.
Good luck on your last event Stu.


im thinking of moving from road going class and into modified next year , one plus is i wont have to tax/mot/insure the pulsar as i rarely use it on the road anyway,
only problem with modified around my way is a very poor attendance


Active Member
Same with me....not many about in that class, but I can see it getting busyer as cars like ours get more expensive to good to get a head start on the rest ?
Plus I have always wanted to try the Pulsar on some good slick tyres.
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Active Member
Managed a second in class at Shelsley Walsh on Sat....didn't deserve it as I selected 5th gear by mistake on both timed runs. Still managed to beat all the TVR's and a Porker....
One good result was the finishing speed of 90mph thats the quickest I have ever gone in any car and the quickest in class....also matched the lower speed trap speed of 84mph of the wining Scooby so hope for the future.
I will definatly be making a gate to stop selecting 5th for next season, plus a swirl pot to carry less fuel.
Hope to god we can use softer tyres for next year as sliding the car at 80+ on a 13ft wide road between banks can be a bit


Active Member
Good stuff Phil ;-)

Thats me finished for the year too! Both days i was faster on my practice runs as i hit 5th gear on the timed runs too!!
Let us know how you get on with the swirl pot.



Active Member
Spec is not amazing, GT3071, Gas flowed head, 87mm CP Pistons, Pauter Rods, HKS cams, HKS H/Gasket, Power FC, 660cc injectors, Balanced, ACL bearings, Helix Paddle clutch, Runing 1.5bar max. I need to get a better turbo outlet for the exhaust as I think it should be more responsive low down.
Will keep you informed on the swirl pot and also the gate ill make to block out 5th.