Raising the compression?


New Member
For piece of mind Diesel, test it again. This time when it's up to normal temp and use a different pressure gauge if you can.
If it's still low, squirt some oil down the bores to find out if it's the rings or cylinders.


New Member
also if your sitting at idle and your boost gauge reads -400 or better, it shows you engine is making a good vacume from all 4 cyl..


New Member
pulsarboby said:
yes it does but gtir sr20det engine will bolt up straight to primera fwd box, but i believe you have to use existing fly and clutch assembly
Much the same as on my car, the standard sr20de box is used along with flywheel and everything.


New Member
Thanks, a turbo repair guy in Okinawa gave me that advice. My GTI-R was blowing grey smoke on gear changes and i though i had a blown turbo. He looked at my gauge and said that my engine should be vacuming more than it was(280-300). Thats when i did a commpression check and found 75 psi on #3.

another sunny

missfire, black smoke, crazy lights

Last weekend i fitted a new gearbox, i also did the 1 bar boost mod. All was fine (going like a rocket), i noticed wednesday that it was missing/running poorly on tickover after a run (if waiting to turn/pull away at junctions). Thursday it was running poorly in all low revs (under 2k), last night it would hardly run, pooring out black smoke, missfiring and would cut out if it boosted over and around .5bar. I also noticed the ABS light keeps coming on at the same time as with the radio, almost as if the power comes on and off. This morning it will hardly tick over, same black smoke.
I have checked all cooler pipes and all the power plugs i can see?
Any body have an idea? Could the ECU have failed with the change in boost? I am going to be fukced for work tomorrow without tansport.


New Member
have you done a fault code check?? are the plugs ok?? could be a faulty maf. with the black smoke your defainantly running way rich.

another sunny

I have done a fault code check...alls fine. With the plugs, to start with it was intermittant, only now is the problem constant.

another sunny

To up date. I think it is electrical. I have just been towed to my yard, on the way i noticed when i put the hazards on the ABS ight dimed as the hazards flashed, when i went over a bump/cats eye etc the hazards stoped momentarily and the speedo needle dipped down, also with repeated cats eyes the radio stopped and lost power? Also on the dash, the battery light is very bright with the rest of the lights much dimmer(engine light ABS light etc). The engine will still crank fine it just wont fire now as it is heavily fueling. Could i hav an earth problem with the ECU and certain dash functions? I also remember now that when i linped home last night, with every missfire the ABS light would come on or go out and the speedo stopped completely, when i was being twed just now the speedo was working until i hit a bump etc. Should i try running a new earth to the ECU??????
Looks like i'm walking to work tomorrow.


New Member
Gearbox weakness .. which part ?

I going to strip my gearbox and send to japan for WPC treatment.

As in mind

1 , 2 , 3 , 4 ,5 gear and the shaft going to send for treatment
as well the Fork Selector

any other suggestion which part i should send in as well ?

thank you


that does sound electrical, check your fuse box under the steering wheel and under bonnet, check no wiring has melted and fused together, i doubt its an earth, a wire or several wires in the loom could have been damaged or it could be an ECU failure, check the wiring first then try and borrow and ECU to test.


Fast Guy

Staff member
Probably a bad earth somewhere, maybe the same one the MAF uses. Start checking the engine bay, battery side.