Raising the compression?


Active Member
The lighter he get's, less power is needed to drag him along and more power can go to better use LOL.
Will send a quaife a pici then we might get some where. I'll try PAR next.
-Thanks guys


New Member
Whats the oil level and consistency like?

Does the oil smell very fuely?

Crank Angle Sensor would prevent the car from starting as it doesn't know where things are relative to each other.

Have you changed something recently on the car prior to this happening? If so what?

Try carrying out a compression test also to ensure your not trying to chase a fault that exists because of something a little more fateful.

Good luck.



How many hours does it take to change a gear box? and whats a good price?

Hi guys basically my gear box blew up yesterday so now I need a new one. I was wondering what any of you have paid price wise to get the box changed in your local garages? also on adverage how many hours do you think it takes? I know what Bob charges but he lives 2 far away and is fully booked :( so have t find somewhere abit more local.




depends where you are mate to be fair on price i always do my own as its easy enough , you should just get your hands dirty its not hard


where could i get a guide of how 2 do it? If it doesnt look 2 bad then I will possibly try myself.


New Member
Not sure how long it takes cause I usually drop off the car in the morning and pick it up in the afternoon! :lol:

I'm sure someone who does it themselves should be able to answer that one though!

Nope, you can leave the engine in.


I have changed the turbo and done a oil change and changed the sparg plugs so oil level is good and does'nt smell of petrol, i have also found a brake in the wire on the 02 sensor, could this be the problem????
i did mine with the engine out so it was easy but to do it in situe shouldn't be a problem. There is just one bolt next to the starter motor tho that i reckon would make the whole job a complete bastard lol


Staff member
easier and more straight forward to drop the engine, can be done in 4 - 6 hours if you know what your doing and have all the equipment. If your a first timer but fancy a go at it though and have all the gear you need I would put by a weekend for the job to be done right.


totally agree with steve!
easier to drop the complete engine, ive done a fair few now and its a good day to remove, refit and get up n running, without a ramp on your own that is.
if theres 2 of you then its a lot lot easier and quicker.


i tell you monday i have got to do rear main at weekend decided to take box out in situe, with the help of my bro i could have engine in and out in 3 hours tops, i will be doin box on my own let you know how i get on!! but do agree with steve and bob it defo less hasle jus dropping lump!