Raising the compression?


Active Member
olliecast said:
yeah i put redline it in and it definately inproved the slickness for a while then it just went back to normal (may be me just getting used to it).

do you mean gearbox or clutch oil?

clutch adjustment bolt is all the way out.
i`ve never bled the clutch but just noticed that the gater on the underside or the box is missing. there`s also a slight bit of oil weaping from the underside of the box. doesn`t see mto be of a volum that`d cause issue though
That bolt is just a stop, the adjustment is done by slackening the lock nuts on the push rod between the pedal and the master cylinder and twisting it round either way to get the desired adjustment. Its a bit fiddley but not impossible. Have you had a good look at the pedal box for any signs of cracks? Do you know if you have a support bracket fitted?
It would be a good idea to change the fluid if you have never done it.
Do you mean the selector shaft gator? These are often split, and its common to weep a bit from the seal, nothing to worry about if its not pissing out.


If your clutch pedal is creaking, chances are its breaking away from the bulk head, and your not getting full travel on the clutch this happened to mine.


Active Member
thanks very much for the replys people, may actually get to the bottom of this (or at least eliminate the possible causes!)

youngsyp said:
What are the bushes like in the front and rear engine stabilisers ?
not checked this mate, where about are they roughly located?

youngsyp said:
Is there much play in the bushings, in the gear shift rod ?
Bushings there is no play (you mean where i`ve installed the poly shifter bush?), i`ll check the rod play tomorrow

youngsyp said:
What oil are you using in the gearbox ? And when was it last changed ?

using redline mt30 oil. was last changed ~1000 miles ago

Animaldaz said:
That bolt is just a stop, the adjustment is done by slackening the lock nuts on the push rod between the pedal and the master cylinder and twisting it round either way to get the desired adjustment. Its a bit fiddley but not impossible.
never done this bit before, although the biting point does seem to be about 1/5 of the way through the clutches travel, so it just starts to bite about 20mm into pressing the pedal

Animaldaz said:
Have you had a good look at the pedal box for any signs of cracks? Do you know if you have a support bracket fitted?
yeah i put a support bracket on due to it creaking when i bought the car in september. i think i need to get in there properly with the torch and look closely at the box. is it welded to the bulkhead?


ollie :-D


Active Member
olliecast said:
not checked this mate, where about are they roughly located?
There's one right at the front of the car, connected between the engine and the large cylindrical cross member.
And one at the rear of the engine (difficult to see), between the engine and the firewall.

olliecast said:
Bushings there is no play (you mean where i`ve installed the poly shifter bush?), i`ll check the rod play tomorrow
The bushing I'm referring to is right at the front of the shift rod, has a metal insert that a bolt goes through and connects it to the shift rod. It's hard plastic and is also orange in colour.
You'll notice it straight away, when you're under the car !

olliecast said:
using redline mt30 oil. was last changed ~1000 miles ago
Have you checked the level recently ?

I've found that the gear shift quality, with 5th gear in particular, are quite sensitive to gearbox oil level !

olliecast said:
yeah i put a support bracket on due to it creaking when i bought the car in september. i think i need to get in there properly with the torch and look closely at the box. is it welded to the bulkhead?
This might be a red herring.
Mine 'groans' when pressing the clutch peddle, and has done since I had the uprated clutch fitted..... 4 or so years ago !
I also have a support bracket fitted, and no damage to the original clutch peddle bracket !



Active Member
youngsyp said:
There's one right at the front of the car, connected between the engine and the large cylindrical cross member.
And one at the rear of the engine (difficult to see), between the engine and the firewall.
i`ll have a look at these tomorrow / wednesday (anniversary tomorrow, i`ll get chopped if i spend the night under the car :doh:)

youngsyp said:
The bushing I'm referring to is right at the front of the shift rod, has a metal insert that a bolt goes through and connects it to the shift rod. It's hard plastic and is also orange in colour.
You'll notice it straight away, when you're under the car !
i`ll look at this when under the car aswell. i knwo i`ve put the poly bush in (replaces black rubber ring with metal insert) but can`t remember seeing another. I`ll have a gander anyway.

youngsyp said:
Have you checked the level recently ?

I've found that the gear shift quality, with 5th gear in particular, are quite sensitive to gearbox oil level !
haven`t checked this since i changed the oil. time to check at the weekend!

youngsyp said:
This might be a red herring.
Mine 'groans' when pressing the clutch peddle, and has done since I had the uprated clutch fitted..... 4 or so years ago !
I also have a support bracket fitted, and no damage to the original clutch peddle bracket !
thats fair enough then. there`s no noticable flex when the pedal is compressed anyway.

cheers for your advice,



New Member
I would go with the clutch fork mate, especially if you have an rps clutch. But if you've been launching it then it could be a cracked release bearing as Shaun said.


New Member
i think that standard headgasket is 1.2mm aswell as silvia and SR20DE, the one that make gtir compression be 8.3:1 is the head, because the head of the silvias are not a perfect circule.

rx jamie

New Member
old thread revival !
ive seen an escort cossie a few years ago in fast ford mag. some bloke spent 50k on it. that car was wrc spec. running 600hp and 11-1 compression and a shed load of boost all without water injection and was lag free. not sure how he manage it however. but was full of computers.


Active Member
olliecast said:
i`ll look at this when under the car aswell. i knwo i`ve put the poly bush in (replaces black rubber ring with metal insert) but can`t remember seeing another. I`ll have a gander anyway.
The poly bush you replaced, is in the gear shift stabiliser rod.

The orange plastic (hard) bush that I'm referring to is in the actually gear shift rod, where it joins to the rod coming out of the gearbox. It's very close to the poly bush though !



Active Member
youngsyp said:
The poly bush you replaced, is in the gear shift stabiliser rod.

The orange plastic (hard) bush that I'm referring to is in the actually gear shift rod, where it joins to the rod coming out of the gearbox. It's very close to the poly bush though !

cheers mate, will have a look in a minute


New Member
if you have not taken off anything and try to wobble the fork then you should have no play in it atall, if you remove the cylinder next to it then you can wobble them a bit

sounds very much like mine when i put my new clutch in but that sorted itself out i think it must of been air in the system, check your rod under the pedal does not need adjusting as this effects the biting point of the clutch, have you a clutch support bracket it might be a broken pedal box


Active Member
just had a look at the bush connecting the rod coming out of the gearbox to the long bar that goes toward the back of the car.

First of all its black (not orange :noidea:) and second of all there is considerable play in the joint between the two rods. the play is such that when wobbling it clearly has considerable play when looking with the naked eye!

could this be the cause of my woes? if so does anyone manufacture a poly bush for this joint or is nissan oe the best?



Active Member
olliecast said:
just had a look at the bush connecting the rod coming out of the gearbox to the long bar that goes toward the back of the car.

First of all its black (not orange :noidea:) and second of all there is considerable play in the joint between the two rods. the play is such that when wobbling it clearly has considerable play when looking with the naked eye!

could this be the cause of my woes? if so does anyone manufacture a poly bush for this joint or is nissan oe the best?

It's definitely orange on my car ?!

Anyway, the play will definitely cause issues with gear changing. Not sure it would cause the bouncing you describe though ?!

As for replacing it, if it's the bush I'm referring to, you'll have to replace the whole gear shift rod and you can only do that from Nissan. I tried a few years ago and cancelled the order after waiting 6 months for it !
It was around £70 from memory !



Active Member
youngsyp said:
It's definitely orange on my car ?!

Anyway, the play will definitely cause issues with gear changing. Not sure it would cause the bouncing you describe though ?!

As for replacing it, if it's the bush I'm referring to, you'll have to replace the whole gear shift rod and you can only do that from Nissan. I tried a few years ago and cancelled the order after waiting 6 months for it !
It was around £70 from memory !

bloody hell thats shite.
might get some polyurethane and machine up my own bush then if its the right configuration, as the movement at that end of the bush feels like it could account for the feeling at the gear stick.

surely some other people have had issues with this bush, judging by the movement on mine anyway!
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